This is the Torgerson's adoption journey, one of faith and complete obedience to God.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Caroline, before and after
Caroline is my fearless child. C1 was and is always pretty conservative and cautious when it comes to things of the unknown.
Not my Caroline, my sweet Caroline. New Year's Eve she found a new hobby. The fearless face plant on the bed.
Which by the way is soft...super soft compared to.....
Saturday, January 03, 2009
I wanted to share with all of you the wonderful birthday present my mom gave to me this year. The necklace was made for me and is the shape of Africa with a heart cut out. also it has Samuel and Noah's names on it. This is one of my most precious material gifts that I own right now. Every time I feel it or see it I am reminded again of how blessed I am to be given to baby boys.
Thomas and the girls gave me this shirt for Christmas. He actually designed the whole thing and had it printed. Our adoption agency's logo is on the back and it looks wonderful. I love wearing it and pray to have them both home soon.
Monday, December 29, 2008
New Pictureof Samuel
I was thrilled to get to see new pictures of our babies right before Christmas. The girls and I had bought some clothes and toys to send to them with our Director. The 18month outfit we bought Samuel is huge on him. He seems to be so small. Also, Thomas and the girls gave me a wonderful gift for my birthday...they sent money so that the boys could have a crib in Liberia. HollyAnn was kind enough to snap a few shots of Noah in his crib. Now my baby has a safe place to lay his little sweet head at night. So here are some of the pictures of them.
When the girls pray at night and before their naps, they NEVER fail to pray for Samuel and Noah. It used to be that they would say the pray that is our standard for our family..."dear Jesus, thank you for today, thank you for Mommy, Daddy, Campbell and Caroline...thank you for your Son that you sent to save us from our sins" then they are able to pray to Jesus how they want and would usually pray that He would keep SAmuel and Noah safe and healthy. Now they pray as normal, but after "Mommy, Daddy, Campbell, Caroline..they add Samuel and Noah and thank you for your Son that You sent" It is almost like they finally realize that they are really truly going to be part of our family forever and it is so precious.
Thank my sweet Saviour for my family and for my soon to be larger family. Thank you for giving us sons. I started thinking about how God must have felt when He sent His only begotten Son to us and was apart from Him for 33 years. I ache inside for my boys that I have never even met and it has only been almost 2 months. For God to have sent Him to bear the weight of our sin on His shoulders...He truly is most gracious Father to us all.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas Early
able to do this. I miss my other grandparents so badly as well as Thomas' grandparents. I would love to show them the girls for only a moment so that they could see how much they have grown or to see which ones look like them or act like them.
Merry Christmas!!!
Gingerbread anyone?
The girls decided that we needed to build a gingerbread house. I looked everywhere for one, online that is, and finally had to ask a friend where to get one in town that didn't cost $200. Since I try not to frequent Wal-Mart if at all possible guess where these came from...WAL_MART. But, I didn't have to go...hehehe. Called Nana and she left work to go to her Wal-mart in Alex City and then sent them to me. Now that is what a mother's love (well, grandmother's love) is all about. So we decided this morning was when we were going to decorate our house.
Caroline really is a funny little ham!!
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