Can you tell I am trying to catch up on posts that I have not had time to update? We went to Mimi and Poppy's
Sat morning and had Christmas a tad bit early. The girls absolutely loved their gifts. Caroline got the cutest peppermint dress and striped tights and had to put it on
immediately and refused to take it off till she had to change clothes for bed some 13 hrs later. Campbell got a ballerina out fit which she put on and
commenced to show us her ballet techniques. It was really sweet. They loved that Mimi had all kinds of goodies out on her fine china with punch in her glass tea cups and real linen Christmas napkins. Mommy on the other hand had small strokes every time that they attempted to eat. The picture in my mind's eye was of the glass shattering everywhere, shards sticking in the carpet and the girls getting cut, bleeding all over the white carpet, us getting kicked out because we broke something, you get the picture. So to my relief, nothing was broken, everything was cleaned and placed where it belonged before we left and cookies were even sent home with us....all in all a great start to the Christmas holiday.

We were able to spend a few hours with my grandarents and as I know only too well, how blessed I am to still be
able to do this. I miss my other grandparents so badly as well as Thomas' grandparents. I would love to show them the girls for only a moment so that they could see how much they have grown or to see which ones look like them or act like them.
Merry Christmas!!!
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